Our Premier Limited Warranty provides comprehensive accessory protection for your new watercraft. Enjoy your time on the water knowing you are covered against repairs to covered components for a total of 5 years. The Blackfin accessory coverage is tailored to the equipment on your type of boat and is included with all new 2024 Model Year Blackfin Boats.
Please see your local dealer for more information.
Digital Depth Finder: (One in-dash single-function unit) Head unit, transducer and wiring harness
Electrical: Engine battery main selector switch, engine battery main solenoid/switch, engine battery isolator, windshield wiper motor(s), engine hatch motor, engine hatch switch
Fish Finder/GPS: (Up to three units) Fish finder/GPS head unit, transducer, speed and temperature sensors, control cable, GPS antenna
Gauges: (In-dash units) Tachometer, speedometer, compass, hour meter, oil pressure, trim, engine voltage, fuel level, engine temperature, dedicated engine digital multifunction gauge/display
Horn: Control panel, electric horn
Lighting: (Fixtures and switches only) Interior light fixtures, navigation lights, anchor light, docking light
Live Well/Bait Well: (Factory-installed units only) Fill/main pump, aerator pump, manual valves
Shore Power: On-board receptacle(s), shore power main switch(es)
Spotlight: Control panel, horizontal control motor, vertical control motor
Stereo: (One in-dash factory-installed unit) AM/FM radio, CD player, CD changer, dash and transom mounted remote control panel, amplifier, satellite radio tuner, music player dock
Trailer: Master cylinder, reverse lockout solenoid, hydraulic brake actuator, brake drums, disc brake rotor, disc brake caliper, frame rails, welds, winch stand, wheel bearings, axle, backing plates, coupler, roller cradles, leaf springs
Trim Tabs: Pumps, planing plates, trim cylinders, control panel
VHF Radio: Head unit, microphones/handsets, internal speaker
Waste System: Electric toilet inlet and outlet pump, discharge pump, macerator, head exhaust fan
Water System: Fresh water pump, water heater, shower drain sump pump, freshwater transom shower/washdown
Windlass: Electric motor, wiring harness, helm station control panel
Coverage includes Sportsman’s Class components plus the following:
Air Conditioner: (1 - 3 stowaway units or one split system unit) Compressor, condenser, evaporator, thermostat, capacitors, relays, fans, control board
Controls: (Second helm station) All parts contained within the manual/electronic single or dual shift controls, neutral safety switch, shift switch, lever, control cables, micro switches, potentiometer, control panel, wiring harness, shift actuator, electronic throttle control
Down Riggers: Mounting brackets, swivel and lock, frame, guide puller, winch, brake, crank, electric motor, control switch
Galley Cook Top: Thermostat, burner assembly
Gauges: (second helm station, in-dash units) Tachometer, speedometer, compass, hour meter, oil pressure, trim, engine voltage, fuel level, engine temperature, dedicated engine digital multi-function gauge/display
Joystick: (second helm station) Associated wire harness, thrust vector module (TVM), steering actuator, steering pump, joystick, CCM module, IMU compass, steering pressure sensor
Microwave Oven: All models
Refrigerator: (One unit) Thermostat, cooling unit, power supply